2007년 4월 4일 수요일

Who has had a positive influence on you?

Who has had a positive influence on you?
⇒ my best friend 'Song'
⇒ I have had a girl friend since I was seven years. I met her my apartment. She lived at 9th story and I lived at 2th story. She was a congenial friend. We two had many things in common. But we were different in personality. She was very active and positive but I was passive and negative. For example, as we were middle school student, we went to academy for study. When we have a question, I hesitated asking to teacher but 'Song' asked my teacher without any hesitation. I envied 'Song' for her activity. At that time, I decided to resemble my friend. I thought that I can follow 'Song', and I can be same as 'Song'. As there is an old proverb that 'He who touches pitch shall be defiled therewith', I resembled 'Song'. Now I'm very active and positive even if I have passive and negative personality a a little. So because of my friend, I can easily adapt myself to New world and make many new friends. I appreciate my best friend 'Song'

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