2007년 4월 17일 화요일

Post-Reading Discussion

Does being educated abroad during high school put you at an advantage or disadvantage over students who have studied only in Korea? Why?

I guess being eduacated abroad during high school put me at both sides, advatage or disadvatage over students who have studied only in Korea.
Being educated abroad during high school has some benefits.
For instance, in Global world, English has already been used in everywhere.
Being educated in native country wolud be much helpful for learning English.
In otherwise, being eduscated abroad during high school could be bring a disturbing result.
For example, identity problems will happen.
High school students are growing, not grown ups. So when they suddenly meet with new culture which is differnet from what they used to, they can be confused about identity problem. They are not perfectly established identity that they are koreans.
In short, in this case, there exist two sides. Being abroad during high school could be advantange or disabvantage overthe students who have studeid only in Korea.

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