2007년 4월 8일 일요일

Post-Reading Discussion Question

Do you think she should have won the Nobel Peace Prize? Why?

Yes, I do.
Sacrifice can't be only impact for deciding who would win the Nobel Peace Prize. There are lots of people who sacrifice themselves for their own benefits. It means anyone can do those kinds of acts. So someone who win the Novel Peace need more than that. Aung San Suu Kyi was different from others. She grew up with no difficulty, actually even well. However, she didn't lead peaceful life. She fought for democracy. It was not for herself, it was for all the people in her country.

Aung San Suu Kyi said in her speech that "fear, and not power, is the cause of corruption." Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

I totally agree with her opinion. Power itself doesn't always give rise to corruptions. When the person who gets the power fears losing the power, corruptions will start. He will try to hold his power anyhow. In this course, corruptions also will be involved.

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