2007년 3월 27일 화요일


1. Reading skill
First, choose the book I am interested in or a text book would be great. And then use spare time. For example, while I go to school in the subway, I take a book and read it. It takes a few minutes but I can also concentrate on the book easily. I think important thing is not the qauntity I read a day but even though quantity is little, constant reading can improve my reading skill. There are two case. One is I read 100 pages for 2 hours, just one day. And the other is I read 10 pages for 30 minutes every day. The last one is more helpful for train.

2. Summary skill
Every time, after I read a book, think about the whole story in my mind. I had better start with the short story like an article. Reading an article fast and concentrately helps summarizing the contents. And also while I'm reading, I underline every key words I consider as important. It is best way to upgrade summary skill for me. For example, after I read an article a day, I explain the news to my friends.

3. Comprehension Questions
I think first two methods can solve this problem. If I totally understand the whole story, there can't be no problem. When I face the conprehension Questions, I should memorize the important parts. If I summarize the contents well, answering the questions will be easy. The answer should consist of my own words, and obviously the point should be same too.

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