2007년 3월 26일 월요일


1. Title: Illusionist

2. Type of film: Mystery Romance

3. Director: Neil Burger

4. What was the movie based on? (a book, a true story, biograophy, etc.)
The movie was base on the book, a Pulitzer Prize work. It is ''The Barnum Museum'' which is written by Steven Millhauser.

5. Setting: This is the movie with vienna in 19c as its setting.

6. Cast and characters: Edward Norton was casted for main actor, Eisenheim who is a illusionist. Jessich Biel was casted for main actress, Sophie who is officially the Crown Prince's fiancee and also Eisenheim's lover.

7. Plot summary: Once upon a time, a boy and a girl loved each other. But they differed in social standing, so they could't be together. One day, suddenly the boy whose name is Eisenheim left the village without saying anything. Few years later, he came back. He had already been a great magician. Because of his fame, the Crown Prince was also interested in his magic. Actually he wanted to find out magic trick to make Eisenheim feel humilliated. That is why the Crown Prince invited Eisenheim. There was the woman who used to be Eisenheim's lover and also she was the Crown Prince's fiancee at that moment. When they met, they noticed each other. They started to meet secretly, that is a dangeroust job. At last, it was found out. They had to plan the way that nobody distured their love. During their plan, Sophie unexpectly died. Actually this accident was also part of their plan. She did not die, it was all fake. Eisenheim played tricks on everybody ultimately, he manipulated people to believe that the Crown Prince killed Sophie. In short, truth is everything was tricks he made to be with Sophie.

8. Personal opinion: The story was not just simple. Because the ending was unexpected, so I was really surprised. In the movie, the magic show was also exciting. I realized that magic is based on the scientific facts. When I watch a magic show, I guess it would rather just enjoying the show than trying to find the tricks. I can recommend this movie to others.

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