2007년 10월 8일 월요일


Topic - Homosexual

Thesis - Homosexuals who are victims of capitalism have a right to be accepted in society, also, people need to learn the way to accept them.

B1. Why do people entertain antipathy against homosexuals?

M1. Homosexual was a victim of capitalism.
- Capitalism is an economic and politcal system in which property, business, and industry are owned by private individual not by the state.
- Industry and business needed labors, lots of labors.
- They were looking for what could make manpower abundant.
- They also found what disturb their business.
M2. John Stuart Mill said, "When commercial capital occupies a position of unquestioned ascendancy, it everywhere constitutes a system of plunder."
- Because of homosexuals, birth rate decreased.
- Homosexual became the target of criticism.
- When businesses blamed homosexuals, they hoarded their intention. - They rationalized their stand point.
M3. There is the saying that popular opinion is the greatest lie in the world.
- Homosexual has had been criticized.
- For example, there is the rumor that Homosexual causes AIDS.
- Because of groundless rumor, people have had a down on them.
- Business should bear that to love each other can't be regarded as a practical act in mind.

B2. Accept the culture diversity.

M1. Variety is, as the proverb says, the spice of life.
- In today's age of globalization, various people come into existence.
- For instance, in Korea, they eat dogs, in otherwise, in France, frenches eat snails.
- World is getting to keep an eye on people who have their own unique character.
- Exclusive attitude only makes themselves isolated.
M2. Why can only homosexual be an exception to this rule?
- Homosexual is not out of mark.
- There is precedent for this kind of love.
- An example of ancient Greece.
- Culture can not be judged by subjective point of view.
M3. Homosexuals have a right to live happily with their lover.
- To love someone is natural and blessed .
- For example, a wedding is congratulated.
- Homosexual love is exactly same thing to be blessed.
- There should be people's concern and care.

B3. How does people support homosexuals in concrete way?

M1. "A law is a law, however undesirable it may be.", said Socrates.
- The law is system of rules that a society of government develops in order to deal with crime, business agreements, and social relationships.
- Sometimes, things are compelled by law under the necessity.
- As national, they have a duty to protect the few.
- The law is a way to support the minority.
M2. People should have correct understanding of homosexuals.
- Only with the legal force, it has limits.
- There are some essential parts which can not controlled by law.
- One of essential parts is a conversion of people's recognition.
- There would reform some groups like KKK.
M3. Homosexuals are supposed to have a confidence for themselves.
- Former President of United States, Andrew Jackson said that "One man with courage makes a majority."
- People have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it.
- This is ultimate solution for this problem.
- Make sure that all's fair in love and war.

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